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-Be ready to read and write skillfully for many purposes.
-Be able to listen for information, think clearly and solve problems about language.
-Listen to, tell, and talk about books and stories with skill, for a variety of purposes.
-Students will be able to draw and tell about pictures to show ideas and sequence.
-Learn to tell about thoughts in a group discussion.
-Understand the relationship between quantities and whole numbers up to 31.
ie: count forward and backward, read, show value, show more and less, compare and order.
-Recognize, create, complete, and extend patterns. ie: AB, AAB, AABB, ABC
-Recognize two and three dimensional shapes and use them to model real-world objects.
-Compare, order and measure objects.
-Understand the five senses and how they help us.
-Know about common plants and common animals.
-Learn about physical environment.
-Know about nutrition and the food groups.
-Learn why rules are important and how to stay healthy and safe.
-Recognize the difference between needs and wants.
-Know a map and where things are.
-Be able to tell how people are alike and different.
-Know the difference between past, present, and future.
-Be able to tell about their family and compare it to others.
-Students will learn to pray in many different ways, recite prayers and Bible verses, and learn about the Roman Catholic Church, the Feast days and holidays.