-We pray daily, introduce and practice a variety of forms of prayer.
-Students are prepared to receive for the first time the sacraments of reconciliation and eucharist incorporating the Blessed series through Dynamic Catholic.
-Students are taught phonics skills, skills to decode words; comprehension, fluency, and accuracy strategies when reading and also strategies to expand students’ vocabularies.
-We teach about and read different genres of literature. We teach and practice writing and speaking.
-Students also learn spelling through the Fry List and through the Reading Street series.
-We teach and practice addition and subtraction facts and also work with double digit numbers.
-Students learn place value, naming and writing numbers up to 100,000, comparing and ordering numbers, using data as portrayed in graphs, geometry and fractions.
-We emphasize using information to solve problems.
-We cover geography skills using maps and globes.
-Students learn about events and people from history, cultures around the world and economics focusing on how people use money and resources to meet their needs and wants.
-We learn about living in a community and responsible citizenship.
-We learn about government, voting and leaders, and laws.
-We teach and use the scientific method and its steps and procedures as we do a variety of experiments.
-Students learn to classify animals and categories of animals.
-We learn about the life cycles of living things and habitats.
-We learn about body systems and how they work and are kept healthy.